Nearest Stars

Alpha Centauri Relative Sizes

Size and colour comparison of the Sun and the nearest star system, the Alpha Centauri system (2 yellow dwarfs, an orange dwarf and a red dwarf, respectively). Source via CC-BY-SA-2.0. Published under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.2.

Here is a list of the 50 nearest star systems to the Earth which is ordered by increasing distance out to a maximum of 5 parsecs (16.308 light-years.) These systems contain a total of 65 known stars and 4 known brown dwarfs.

Stars and brown dwarfs which have an apparent magnitude greater than 6.5, and which consequently cannot be observed with the naked eye, are shown in dark gray. The classes of the stars and brown dwarfs are shown in the color of their spectral types. These colors are derived from conventional names for the spectral types and do not reflect the star’s observed color.

Near Stars Final

Shortened article and table from List of Nearest Stars and Brown Dwarfs – Wikipedia. Published under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.2